Our Self-Defense Instructors

Claudette Lyons
Krav-Maga practitioner Orange Belt
AZ CCW #11895208
AZ AVERT Certified #3680865
Hazmat Emergency Preparedness
CHT Specializing in PTSD and Forensic Psychology
Ambassador International Shared Hope

Gianluca Zanna
Krav-Maga Military Instructor Level 3 Certified in Israel
AZ DPS Firearms Instructor #1702443
NRA Certified Handgun Rifle and Shotgun Instructor#140927447
NRA Self Defense inside the house Instructor #140927447
NRA Self Defense outside the house Instructor#140927447
NRA Refuse to be a Victim certified Instructor #140927447
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer #140927447
AZ Armed Security Card Lic. #175058
AVERT Certified Active Violence Emergency Response Training with bleeding Control #368086
ASART Active Shooter Armed Response Training
For complete certifications go to www.KravMagaInstructor.us